How to Feel Great in Your Swimsuit (No Diet or Exercise Required)

Sahara Bikini Top in Pearl White

Sahara Bikini Top in Pearl White

As the summer approaches, many of us are already gearing up to hit the beach and show off our swimsuits. While we all want to look great in our swimsuits, most people don't realize that feeling great can happen without any changes to diet or exercise routines. 

In fact, focusing on embracing ourselves just as we are and being kinder towards our bodies has been shown to have a huge impact on how good we feel in our swimsuits.

So, if you're tired of feeling self-conscious about your body when you go swimming or lounging by the pool, here are some simple tips to help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin:

Dark blue bikini set

Dark blue bikini set

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

When we constantly compare ourselves to others, we are bound to find things that we want to change. Instead of focusing on our imperfections, try instead to focus on your strengths and unique features. As many body positivity influencers often advise, reflect upon the qualities you like most about yourself, whether it's your creativity, sense of humor, or ability to be compassionate towards others. Celebrating these traits will help you feel confident and proud of who you are.

2. Take time for self-care every day

Self-care doesn't have to mean hours at the spa or an expensive shopping spree--simple things like spending a few minutes eating a healthy snack while watching your favorite TV show or taking 10 minutes each morning to enjoy a cup of tea can make all the difference when it comes to feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Print bikini

Print bikini

3. Nourish your body with healthy foods and plenty of water. 

While we often think of dieting when it comes to looking good in our swimsuits, simply focusing on nourishing our bodies with the right foods can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves. Make sure that you are eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates throughout the day, and always drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and energized as well as to prevent bloating from occurring.

4. Exercise regularly without punishing or berating yourself for not making it to the gym every day. 

One piece black swimsuit

One piece black swimsuit

When it comes to workouts, less is often more! Instead of forcing yourself into an intense daily workout routine that you dread, try instead to focus on enjoying moderate exercise a few times a week. Taking a brisk walk in your neighborhood or going for a swim at your local pool are both great ways to get active without feeling like you're working out.

5.Get enough sleep every night and relax when you can during the day

Bumble Terracotta Bikini Top

Bumble Terracotta Bikini Top

While it may seem like there's not enough time in the day to get everything done, skimping on sleep is only going to make you feel more stressed and anxious. Make sure that you are getting at least eight hours of sleep each night, and take some time during the day to relax with a good book or take a nap if possible.

6. Talk kindly to yourself--every day! 

Gray one-piece swimsuit

Gray one-piece swimsuit

When we constantly berate ourselves for our imperfections, it can be easy to get caught up in a negative self-talk loop. According to the top influencer who also hosts motivation events, Amra Beganovich, instead of telling yourself all the things that you're doing wrong or what you need to change about your body, try instead focusing on saying kinder things to yourself--such as "I am beautiful" or "I am worthy." Giving yourself positive affirmations on a daily basis can help ease any negative emotions and improve your self-esteem.

By following these simple tips, you'll be able to feel more confident and comfortable in your swimsuit this summer--without dieting or stressing over exercise. So take some time for self-care this season, embrace your unique qualities, and celebrate who you are. You'll be amazed at how good you'll feel in your swimsuit!

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With love, the Ishine team.