Tips on how to be More Productive at Work! ( Honest tips from our team!)

We have all been there, with a bunch of things going on… And let us tell you something: take a break - this a valuable tip to increase your productivity at work.

Sometimes you want to be productive at work, but can't take any more stress! Does this sentence sound familiar to you?
 Here at Ishine, we have worked on this already. With a few simple routine changes, the right approach, and enough discipline, that's exactly what you can do. It is possible to become even more productive without the stress and pressure we often feel. You will be surprised : free time is needed in order to be productive. Being productive 24/7 it's basically impossible.

Last week we found one study over the internet saying that for 10 percent of the most productive people in a variety of offices take the right breaks. Here are ten tips on how to be more productive at work we loved from all the research we have done!! And of course, what we have done in our team!

1. Set clear goals:
Every direction is worth taking if you have no clue about where are you going. Those who give their job a personal meaning and direction can work around tough days. Some dream of more salary. While others want a management position. So, the bulletproof thing to do is to work on goals each day and go from there. Small goals will take you to the big picture.

2. Develop your rituals
For many of us, it makes sense to acquire certain work rituals and routines. It is helpful, for example, to start at the same time every day and to head for an intensive work phase in the morning and one in the afternoon. On the other hand, some of us would rather divide the day into smaller tasks each hour. Not all work routines work for everyone, and that’s ok. You should try to know what works best for you.

3. Have a conversation with yourself
Talking to yourself in the workplace can help reduce stress and motivate yourself. "This is a very underestimated method," said Prof. Hans-Dieter Hermann from the German University for Prevention and Health Management (DHfPG) in Saarbrücken. The self-talk can run quietly and almost in thought. For example, "I am going step by step." Or “ I am capable of doing this, one step closer”. As weird as it sounds, this type of “manifesting” works.

4. Keep some resolutions to yourself

It is often advised to tell as many people as possible in your environment about new resolutions and where you want to go. However, this increases the pressure to implement them. But in practice, the shot often backfires: After all, anyone who gets a negative reaction from others quickly doubts their idea again. And guess what? You might start doubting yourself! That robs you of your motivation. However, this is not the case for everyone.

5. Take enough breaks

Normalize taking regular breaks.. yes what you just read. They are important to be able to work productively. During the lunch break: try to be away from the screen for at least 15 minutes. Sometimes you will have other ideas. To be able to switch off, employees should keep the evening free for family, hobbies, and friends if possible. Also: treat yourself. A small reward is very important from time to time after the work is done. That could be a trip to the cinema or a delicious meal, for example. You deserve that pair of shoe babe.

6. Start small

You should work on your self-discipline gradually. One trick is to start within the daily routine first: If you start right away in your daily work, there is a greater chance of failure. To improve self-discipline, do one thing one day a week, such as getting up early to exercise. Then try to integrate the new behavior into everyday life for two to three days. And remember the good thing is: once you do it for two weeks it becomes a habit. Something so simple as making your bed each morning can help.

7. Create a schedule for projects

A schedule helps to keep an eye on the core part of the work - so you don't spend too much time and energy on detailed questions. If possible, separate important from less important tasks ( yes we know this is hard to do). Large sections should also be divided into small ones. This strategy is “take time advantage" and remember: It is easier to start when you have the end goal or big picture in your head. You must stop trying to do everything at once. Rather, dramatically improve productivity by giving your full concentration to a single task at a time. You will get everything done faster.

8. Self-determination

A lack of self-determination is crucial. Especially these days where a lot of us are working remotely. Remember freedom is amazing as long as you know how to work around it. Psychologists say: the more professionals can work independently, the happier and more effective they are at work. It is important to know how to create and work with freedom within the work environment. However, remember you need to learn to be productive with self-determination.

9. Determine reasons for procrastination

We have all been here. Your head is all over the place. Who regularly sit at their desks but still do not make progress ?. This could be one reason for fear of failure. To get these fears under control, a small-scale plan often helps: Divide your huge tasks into several small steps and think about whom you can ask for help if necessary. Small progress is still progress. 

10. Attitude

It's really fun when the motivation comes from within. Depending on what your work goals are remember there are always ways to get there! You are capable of everything and your attitude towards the goals will keep you pushing. Remember, growth is not linear. It’s completely ok to fall one day and take over the next day.

We hope you take advantage of these tips as much as we do!!
With love, The Ishine Team